About Us

Hi, my name is Hillary Cooper.  Based in Vancouver, BC Canada, my husband and I are parents to three amazing girls and one very sweet but stubborn dog.    I love designing quilts that have a modern take to either technique or colour.  I have been quilting off and on for over 25 years and I love to play with fabric and design.  I hope that my passion for quilting gets passed on in my work and that you are able to sense the joy and excitement that I get in creating for you.  My favourite part of design is seeing how others interpret my patterns and make it their own.  In the last couple of years I have really been drawn to improv quilting so you will find that my patterns will have an improv component or alternative to the design.  While I hope that my designs are clear enough for beginners, I want to make the creating experience fun for those who are more experienced as well.

I am very active on Instagram and I would love to see what you create.  Please be sure to tag me @quiltberryhill_designs and #quiltberryhilldesigns so that I can follow along on your journey.